WiFi/Internet services are provided and maintained by Tengo Internet. Lake Ridge RV Resort is not responsible for the variance in quality of service/signal strength. To view Tengo Internet's full list of terms and conditions, please click the link below!
Connect to Lake Ridge Guest in your WiFi settings. Connecting should automatically pull up a login page.
Step 2
Create an account or login with your previously created account.
If the login page doesn't pull up, open a browser (i.e. Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge) and visit this URL: admin.mywifinetwork.com/login
Step 3
Select a plan. The free plan requires you to create an account, but will not ask for credit card information.
Step 4
Fill in your account and payment information. Click "Submit" to create your account.
Step 5
Click "Get Online" to activate your device.
Note: if you exit the page before clicking "Get Online", it will not activate the service. Please ensure you click the "Get Online" button to access the internet.
Steps to Connect a Browserless Device
Devices without a web browser, such as streaming devices and gaming consoles.
Step 1
Find your device’s wireless MAC address in the settings menu. The MAC address is a 12-character combination of numbers and letters, separated by colons or dashes. Please research your device for specific steps to finding the MAC address.
Step 2
Once you have located your device's mac address and have-logged in to your account on another device, click on "Manage Devices".
Step 3
Once you get to the "Manage Devices" screen, enter the device name, enter the mac address found in the previous step (including the colons), and click "Add Device"